Welcome to Windmill Park!
Whether you want to simply relax and unwind in nature or discover a bit about Saintfield’s past – this park is for you! Explore our paths, soak in the views and search out the storytelling destinations marked on the map.
Along the way, you’ll meet the McBurney family of millers. The fertile soils around Saintfield created a demand for their water and windmills. Profits from the land enabled the town to grow and prosper too.
By the late 1700s, Saintfield was attracting new businesses and residents. Many of them had the wealth and drive to undertake experimental projects. The McBurneys are a great example of this entrepreneurial spirit.
In this park, you’ll also witness how people have changed this landscape over time. They cleared forests and established farms. They built mills, roads and the railway. We’re still at it today, transforming this landscape into a natural haven for both people and wildlife.
We hope you enjoy our efforts and your visit!