Saintfield Village Plan

Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee (STRC) is pleased to publish the Saintfield Integrated Development Plan (Village Plan) which has been produced to act as a funding and lobbying tool for the development and improvement of the Village.  The Village Plan is funded through The Down Rural Area Partnership (DRAP), the organisation charged with administering the funds under Axis 3 of the Rural Development Programme. The programme aims to ‘improve the quality of life in rural areas and encourage diversification of economic activity in rural areas. The Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee will take ownership of the plan, acting as the lead on future funding applications for projects identified within the plan.

In preparing the plan a public consultation exercise took place in 1b Main Street, Saintfield from the 10th to the 17th May. A draft village plan was on display along with a questionnaire to allow local stakeholders to feedback their ideas. An exceptionally high number of responses were received to the event with 255 people returning questionnaires, giving their views on how Saintfield could be developed and improved.

The community questionnaire responses provided strong support for a number of projects within Saintfield Village. Five projects have been selected as projects which not only received the strongest level of support but are also achievable through accessing funding. Projects which require delivery by the private sector or are the responsibility of statutory agencies have not been addressed in detail; however they are included within the Action Plan as aspirations of the people of Saintfield. The five selected projects in order of priority are:

          1:  New community and Sports facility as an extension to the existing Sports Association grounds
          2:  A new play park situated adjacent to the new community centre
          3:  A Shop Front Improvement Scheme
          4:  An Environmental Improvement Scheme for main Street and the Fair Green
          5:  A new car park and turning area at the Academy Primary School

1 & 2: New community and Sports facility as an extension to the existing Sports Association grounds
with a new play park situated adjacent to the new community centre

3: A Shop Front Improvement Scheme

4: An Environmental Improvement Scheme for Main Street

5: A new car park and turning area at the Academy primary School

The action plan identifies all the projects within the Integrated Development Plan. It highlights who should take the lead on delivery, the priority level of the project, indicative costs associated with the project and the level of support received through the questionnaire returns. 

The implementation strategy recommends that STRC will take ownership and responsibility for future funding application and stresses the importance of all community and sports groups working together with everyone pulling resources together for the greater good. It is important that all groups are aware of each other’s plans, timescales and priorities to avoid competing against each other for scarce funding opportunities.

The report concludes by noting that with such a high level of interest generated it is now vital that improvements do take place and that a new community and sports facility is delivered for Saintfield.


As highlighted by its Conservation Area status, Saintfield has a strong base from which to develop. The Village Plan seeks to improve and regenerate the assets which are already in place. This is illustrated by the selected proposals for a shop front improvement scheme and Environmental Improvement scheme on Main Street. The assets of the buildings and the street structure are already there, they simply require more care and preservation to help realise Saintfield’s potential.

With some targeted investment it is possible to highlight and build on the Village’s conservation area status, creating the highest quality environment within the Village centre to draw in visitors, shoppers and investors.

This vision is strongly supported by the results of the community questionnaire. The exceptionally high number of people who responded to the questionnaire within a one week period and the number who identified shop front improvements, an environmental improvement and a new community/ sports facility clearly shows the pride and community spirit which exists in Saintfield. With such a high level of interest generated it is now vital that improvements do take place and that a new community and sports facility is delivered. The STRC expect that Down District Council take into account the demonstrable needs and expectations of the people of Saintfield when future capital expenditure throughout the district is being allocated.

The 2009 and 2010 Economic Appraisals provide further backing for a community/ sports facility within Saintfield. Both reports concluded that there is a need for the facilities and identified a full scale development option as the most appropriate option to cater for this need.

The 108 people who provided written statements of support for the community and sports facility all highlighted the current lack of modern facilities and the high level of need. Clearly the existing shale Hockey pitch is no longer up to standard and is unsuitable for league hockey. From a sporting perspective Saintfield urgently need an upgrade in pitches in order to provide for the larger number of people who want to play sport in the village, including circa 1125 school pupils and circa 550 junior sports club members. With government policy encouraging sport in the community in order to promote healthier lifestyles this can be seen not as a luxury but as a necessity for the Village. Saintfield has suffered from a lack of investment in its sporting and community infrastructure and now is the time for this to be addressed.

This Integrated development plan, through community consultation, highlights not only the need but where the community would like this facility to be located – as an extension to the existing sports club. The delivery of facilities in this location will provide the new sporting and community hub for Saintfield which is so badly needed. The implementation team must now continue to lobby for its delivery.

 The full Saintfield Integrated Development Plan document can be downloaded as a PDF file:

Village Plan (6.5MB) 

Richard Heasley of Village Plan consultants URS commented,

“I should say that the Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee should be commended on their drive to develop Saintfield and were a pleasure to work with (It is actually very unusual to have a client who knows what they want!).  I certainly haven’t worked with a group as well organised and committed to improving their Village or Town.”

Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee would like to thank all those people who called into 1b Main Street during the consultation exercise and everyone who took the time to fill in questionnaires and give us their thoughts and ideas.  Your input to the Village Plan was invaluable.

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