Saintfield Heritage Society Programme 2017/18


14th September:

THE NEWRY CANAL: FROM THE BASIN TO THE BAR – Canal enthusiast Seán Patterson will draw on his unrivalled knowledge to focus on the Newry end of the canal, with particular reference to its maritime history, railway connections and folklore.

12th October:

BUILDING BRIDGES FROM THE FOYLE TO OJAQUE – Dr Philip Donald, a distinguished civil engineer, recalls the highlights of his extensive experience in the building of some well-known bridges in Northern Ireland – and their West African connections.

9th November:

CLIFTON HOUSE – Our guide to the fascinating and chequered history of one of the most important and historic Georgian buildings in Belfast will be Louise Canavan, Heritage and Archive Manager of the house.


11th January:

BIRDS OF STRANGFORD LOUGH – Dr Bob Brown OBE, an internationally renowned conservation expert and former Director of the RSPB for Northern Ireland, is uniquely qualified to talk on this subject.

8th February:

THE STORY OF COFFEE – Coffee made its way to Europe by the 17th Century and quickly became, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, “the favourite drink of the civilized world”.  Its story will be told by Robert Bell, Managing Director of Ireland’s oldest independent tea and coffee merchant.

8th March:

SIR JAMES MARTIN: EJECTION SEAT PIONEER – We are delighted that, following postponement from last year, Ernie Cromie BEM, the well-known aviation historian and author, will now tell us about this famous engineer from Crossgar whose invention has saved the lives of thousands of aviators.

12th April:

STRANGFORD LOUGH’S INDUSTRIAL PAST – James Elliott, Chairman of the Portaferry and Strangford Trust, who has a special interest in maritime history and archaeology, will deal with this lesser-known aspect of the Lough’s heritage.

Preceded by a brief Annual General Meeting.

May: MEMBERS’ NIGHT – Details to be announced
June: ANNUAL OUTING – Details to be announced

All talks will be held in the Woodrow Room of Saintfield Parish Church Hall at 8.00 p.m.

Please note that there will be no talk in December.

Members are invited to bring their friends or family.

Non-members are also very welcome to attend.