Other Publications About Saintfield

Below are some publications that contain information about Saintfield.  Some are out of print but may be available for reference in Saintfield Library.  Others have been published on this website, under History and Heritage.

“Walk about Saintfield” is a guided tour of Saintfield’s points of interest.  It was produced with the assistance of Saintfield Heritage Society, Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee and the Rural Estates Partnership.

Copies are available from Saintfield Library.  An electronic version can now be accessed by clicking below on “walkmap”





“The Sites of the 1798 Rising in Antrim and Down” by Bill Wilsdon includes eight pages on the Battle of Saintfield, including a map.  It is published by Blackstaff Press Limited.

ISBN 0-85640-615-5




“Saintfield Parish – Under the Microscope” by Col. M C Perceval-Price is a history of the Church of Ireland church in Saintfield.  It was published in the late 1970s and copies are hard to find.





Rev. D. Stewart, Historical Memoirs Of First Saintfield Congregation, (Tonaghneave) Through Three Centuries 1658-1958, Belfast 1958.