Book Presentation at Linenhall Library

On 9th May 2012 Martyn Todd, Chair of Saintfield Heritage Society, presented to John Killen, Librarian of the Linenhall Library a collection of Francis Hutcheson books.

The ideas expressed by Hutcheson not only influenced political thinking in eighteenth century Europe, but also played a part in the development of the United States Constitution.  It seemed fitting to the Saintfield Heritage Society that the writings of this distinguished philosopher should be available in the Library which, not long after Hutcheson’s death, fostered the growth of the United Irishmen at a dramatic time in the history of this island.

One of the guests, Philip Orr, has had a strong interest in Francis Hutcheson for many years.  He spoke at the unveiling of the blue plaque to FH and wrote the paper on FH that is on our website.

Another guest, Tom Hartley, is the Sinn Fein Belfast councillor who is a local historian and very interested in the United Irishmen period.  He spoke at SHS about the Belfast City Cemetery and is very committed to righting the mis-perceptions of the past.

Julia Paul, who is a researcher for the BBC Hearts and Minds programme, was also at the Library to film the handover and interview Philip Orr about Francis Hutcheson.  The feature on Francis Hutchesaon was broadcast on Hearts and Minds on Thursday 10th May 2012.

Below are some photographs taken in the Linenhall Library at the book presentation.

Martyn Todd (Chair of SHS) and John Killen (Librarian of the Linenhall Library)

Martyn Todd, John Killen, Philip Orr and George Priestly (President of the Linenhall Library)

Philip Orr, local historian and expert on Francis Hutcheson, talking about the latest book on Francis Hutcheson.

Tom Hartley, historian, explaining the relevance of Francis Hutcheson in the development of liberal democracy in Ireland from the early seventeenth century up to the present day.

Tom Hartley with some of the members of SHS who attended the presentation.

The BBC Hearts and Minds film crew in action (1)

The BBC Hearts and Minds film crew in action (2)

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