SDA’s Annual General Meeting

Saintfield Development Association held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 26th May in Rowallane Community Hub.  The meeting was attended by members of the public, councillors and representatives from other community organisations.

AGM Saintfield Development Association

As people arrived they were able to watch a PowerPoint presentation covering the numerous activities and events with which Saintfield Development Association has been involved since its inception.

AGM Saintfield Development Association

During the main business of the meeting Barbara Graham, who was standing down as Chair, outlined the many achievements of SDA during her year of office.  In the elections that followed Martyn Todd was elected as Chair for 2015/16, and Paul McGeown was elected Vice-Chair.  Lawrence Murphy continues as Treasurer, and Ian Mack as Hon. Secretary.  After the main business of the meeting refreshments were provided by SDA members Lily Henderson and Norma Mack.

AGM Saintfield Development Association

The guest speaker was John Reid who spoke on the Saintfield Landscape Masterplan which he produced for Saintfield Development Association.  Copies of the plan were available for viewing.

AGM Saintfield Development Association

Councillors in attendance were Billy Walker, Terry Andrews and Harry Harvey from Newry, Mourne and Down, and Kellie Armstrong from North Down and Ards.  Retired councillor William Dick was also there, and joined SDA!

AGM Saintfield Development Association

AGM Saintfield Development Association

AGM Saintfield Development Association

The newly elected Chair of SDA, Martyn Todd (left), enjoys a drink with Vice-Chair Paul McGeown.

AGM Saintfield Development Association

Saintfield Development Association would like to thank Rowallane Community Hub for the use of their recently opened building.

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