Saintfield’s Christmas Tree

Have you ever wondered where Saintfield’s Christmas Tree comes from? Or how it is positioned in front of the Orange Hall, or who decorates it? Well, read on and you will discover the answers!

For the past number of years the Christmas Tree has been kindly donated to Saintfield by a committee member of Saintfield Development Association (formerly Saintfield Town regeneration Committee).  The trees come from the committee member’s own garden.

Felling Saintfield's Christmas tree #1
This year’s 

Felling Saintfield's Christmas tree #2
tree is felled.

Loading Saintfield's Christmas tree #1
On a misty day the tree is loaded

Loading Saintfield's Christmas tree #2
 onto a trailer and taken to Saintfield.

 Saintfield's Christmas tree is moved into position in front of the Orange Hall on the Main Street.The tree arrives in Saintfield and EJ Magee, the contractor approved and paid
for by Down District Council, slot it into its hole in front of the Orange Hall.
SDA members Sam and Bob “supervise” the operation.

Academy Primary School pupils with the decorations for the tree #1Many pupils in Academy Primary School have been working on decorations for the Christmas
tree. These three lucky children escape school for a short time to deliver the decorations.
The decorations have been sealed in clear plastic by Masseys of Saintfield to make them waterproof.

Academy Primary School pupils with the decorations for the tree #2The tree looks sad without any decorations …

Academy Primary School pupils attach the decorations to the Christmas tree helped by headmaster Stephen Moore.… but with the help of headmaster Stephen Moore the children’s
decorations soon make the tree look like a real Christmas tree!

The children from the Assumption Youth Club decorating the Saintfield Christmas Tree #1.Children from the Assumption Youth Club show some of the
decorations they have made for Saintfield’s Christmas Tree.

The children from the Assumption Youth Club decorating the Saintfield Christmas Tree #2.The decorations are added to the tree, with one dad lending
his shoulders so that the higher branches can be reached!

The children from the Assumption Youth Club decorating the Saintfield Christmas Tree #3.The last Christmas decoration is placed on the tree.

The illuminated Saintfield Christmas Tree #1.

That evening the Christmas Tree lights are switched on, and doesn’t the tree look bright and colourful? Additional lights were purchased for the tree this year from money raised at an autumn quiz in The White Horse Inn, organised by Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee (now Saintfield Development Association). The lights are powered from the Orange Hall, with the bill for the electricity paid for by Saintfield Development Association.

The illuminated Saintfield Christmas Tree #2.

So the Tree is in place for another Christmas.  Now you know where it came from, who donated it, how it got here, who positioned it, who decorated it, and who pays for the lights and electricity.  It doesn’t just appear by magic each year!

Plaque at the Tree - Donated by Saintfield Development Association with decorations made by Saintfield's primary school children.

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