Saintfield Heritage Society Programme 2019-20

The programme of talks for the 2019-2020 season once again covers a wide range of interesting heritage subjects, as listed below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All talks in the 2019-2020 season will be held in the Studio of the new SAINTFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE, 29 Belfast Road, at 8.00 p.m.

Members are invited to bring their family or friends.  Non-members are welcome to attend talks that interest them.

Membership of Saintfield Heritage Society for the year costs £10 (£4 for students).


12th September:
MOURNE RAMBLINGS – We welcome back Mr. ERNIE WILSON who will entertain us with some further observations on aspects of the Mournes based on his extensive knowledge and experience of this beautiful area of our province.

10th October:
SIR HANS SLOANE – The remarkable achievements of one of the most influential figures in the history of medicine and the natural sciences – and the inventor of milk chocolate – was born in Killyleagh in 1660. His life and legacy will be examined by the distinguished neurologist Dr. STANLEY HAWKINS.

14th November:
FOLLIES OF COUNTY DOWN – Our guide to these intriguing and unusual aspects of our architectural heritage is Mrs. PRIMROSE WILSON CBE, founder and chairman of the Follies Trust and Chairman of the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society.

Please note that there will be no talk in December.


9th January:
WALKING IRELAND’S BORDER – Having walked the length of “the twisty line that divides this island”, Dr. GARRETT CARR, Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Queen’s, looks at the border from many different and original angles.

13th February:
THE BELFAST AND COUNTY DOWN RAILWAY – Mr. NEIL HAMILTON, Museum Curator of the Downpatrick and County Down Railway Society, will trace the history of the line which served Saintfield so well for many years.

12th March:
BELFAST THROUGH TIME – The well-known Belfast historian Mr. AIDAN CAMPBELL will provide us with an illustrated history which uses old photographs and postcards etc to show how the city has changed over the past one hundred years or so.

9th April:
DOWN AND ANTRIM IN THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY: A PICTORIAL GUIDE – Dr. ANNE CASEMENT, a distinguished historian, uses sketches made by Admiral Lord Kerr in the early 1800s to take us on a tour of these two counties in days gone by.
Preceded by a brief Annual General Meeting.

MEMBERS’ NIGHT – Details to be announced

ANNUAL OUTING – Details to be announced