Saintfield Development Association’s AGM

The 2013 Annual General Meeting of Saintfield Development Association (SDA) was held in Saintfield Sports Club on Monday 20th May.  It attracted a large audience and several newcomers became members of SDA.  Gerry Lowe, the Chair of SDA, stood down after many years of service, and oversaw the unopposed election of office bearers for coming year.  The four positions filled were:

  • Chair: Martyn Todd
  • Vice Chair: Barbara Graham
  • Secretary: Ian Mack
  • Treasurer: Lawrence Murphy

Some photographs of the evening are shown below.  [These were taken by Rowallane councillor Terry Andrews, Lily Henderson and Ian Mack.]

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Norma Mack and Lily Henderson prepare tea and coffee to welcome those attending the AGM.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
First in the queue are SDA members Paul McGeown and Joanne Chong-Kwan!

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Attendees read documents from the information pack.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
The 2013 Annual General Meeting begins.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Secretary Ian Mack [left] and SDA Chair Gerry Lowe [right] face the audience.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Councillors Robert Burgess and William Dick are in attendance.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
After many years of service Gerry Lowe delivers a positive final Chair’s Report.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Martyn Todd introduces the guest speakers.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
The guest speakers – Sandy Wilson and Wallace Penny from
Broughshane & District Community Association Limited.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
SDA Chair Gerry Lowe listens intently to what the speakers have to say
about how they helped develop Broughshane over the past thirty years.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Members of the audience are enthused and inspired by what the speakers have to say.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
As long serving Chair Gerry Lowe stands down he conducts
the election of office bearers for the incoming year.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM

Saintfield Development Association's AGM

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Martyn Todd, the newly elected Chair of Saintfield Development Association, with Secretary Ian Mack.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Sammy Davidson from Saintfield Hockey Club and SDA member Sam Kerr.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
SDA Secretary Ian Mack with a local Saintfield resident.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
SDA Recruitment Project leader Paul McGeown and Rowallane councillor William Dick.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
Councillors William Walker and William Dick with newly
elected SDA Green Saintfield Committee Chair Kathy Owen.

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
The Broughshane visitors enjoy a cuppa and some banter with Norma Mack after the meeting!

Saintfield Development Association's AGM
A happy couple!  Ian and Norma Mack.

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