The Fun Run Winners!

The 1k & 4k Fun Runs
in Saintfield on 9th June were part of the
Fun Run & Family Day

The Fun Run Winners!

The Fun Runs are over.  Time to have a snack and talk to friends and neighbours and relatives.

The winner of the 4k Fun Run (Male).

Second place runner in the 4k Fun Run (Male).

Another runner crosses the line!

Happy to have finished!

Raymond Cochrane and Simon Hamilton MLA.

Gerry Lowe, Chair of Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee,
presents the winner of the 4k Fun Run, John Tracey (adult category), with his medal.

Gerry Lowe presents the 4k Fun Run second place medal to James Kyle (11-18 category).

The first girl home in the 4k Fun Run was Alex Kelly.

In second place in the 1k Fun Run was Alan Scott.

Now there is time to sit and rest and chat …

Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee would like to take this opportunity
to thank all those competitors who took part in the Fun Runs.
Without you it wouldn’t have been so much fun!

We hope to see you all again next year, and bring a friend with you!

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