The 4k Fun Run
in Saintfield on 9th June was part of the
Fun Run & Family Day
The 4k Fun Run
The front runners head out across the first meadow …
… and go round the clump of trees.
They snake back and forth as they follow the markers.
A causeway allows the runners to cross the boggy area.
The land starts to rise from here.
The lead runner!
These runners are in hot pursuit!
The climb is taking its toll.
Others are catching up!
The main pack.
What a hill to climb!
These runners don’t know what is ahead of them!
This runner and her friend emerged from a hole in the hedge! Cutting the corner!
A happy runner. Still smiling!
And here is her happy running companion.
Still going strong!
Bringing up the rear of the 4k Fun Run, but they have the time
to admire the scenery and pose for photographs!