Welcome Mobile Users!

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3 responses to “Welcome Mobile Users!”

  1. I see from the planning application re Windmill Field that all residents of the Windmill area were to be given information on the proposal by the 30th November 2020.
    I have received no information. Neither have I taken part in any consultation.
    Please explain.

    • SDA submitted their PAN1 form to the planners on 23 November showing their planned methods of consultation for the 12 week period before submitting their planning application.

      The planners advised SDA not to carry out any consultation until they had approved the PAN1 plan. The planners have 21 days to reply after receiving a PAN1.

      SDA has now received approval from the planners for the consultation specified in the PAN1 form (posted out by them on Friday 11th December) and will be implementing the consultation as approved. The letters to residents in Windmill Grange, Hollow and Road will be posted this week.

      SDA’s offer to meet with boundary neighbours, household by household remains open.

  2. I have lived in this area all my life . I walk on the Windmill Road regularly .
    Will the Windmill stump be a feature?
    Will there be access from the Windmill Road ?
    I think it would be an asset to Saintfield and would be a place where people could walk through and enjoy possibly meeting friends
    I remember playing around the stump as a child and also the old lady who lived in the derelict cottage near it .
    Hope you are successful

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