Saintfield residents of all ages joined members of Saintfield Development Association on a litter pick. The litter pick was organised as part of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful’s Big Spring Clean campaign. Litter bags, gloves and picker tools were provided to make easier the job of picking up the rubbish left behind by others.
High visibility Dayglo jackets were provided.
The litter pick volunteers met in front of the Guildhall at 1st Presbyterian Church.
Bags and jackets were issued.
Numerous bits of cars and lorries were found!
The verges were littered with waste originating from fast food outlets miles from
Saintfield. It was presumably thrown from cars passing through our village.
Plastic bottles and aluminium cans were sorted for recycling.
The result of a few hours work. Down District Council collected the bags of litter.
After the litter pick refreshments were kindly provided by 2nd Saintfield Presbyterian Church.
If you would like to help keep Saintfield beautiful by participating in future
litter picks please contact Saintfield Development Association:
info [at] discoversaintfield [dot] com.