Yuletide Market at Rowallane Garden

Get in the Yuletide Spirit at Rowallane Garden! Get in the festive spirit at Rowallane Garden, Saintfield for the National Trust’s popular Yuletide Market event on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December from 12-5pm. More details about the event can be found HERE.

Saintfield Christmas Charity Santa Ride

Today saw the launch, in Rowallane Garden, of the 2013 Saintfield Christmas Charity Santa Ride. The annual Charity Ride, organised by Joan Cunningham [pictured right], is in aid of underprivileged children in Uganda and Rwanda whose parents have either died from AIDS or have been murdered. Riders from the Showjumping, Eventing, Hunting, Racing and Showing world, not… Continue reading Saintfield Christmas Charity Santa Ride

Descendants of Alexander Massey of Tonaghmore sought

Sandra Ward, who lives in Motherwell, Scotland, is researching her family history, which takes her back to two families around Saintfield, the Battons and Masseys. She has  found out a lot about the Battons but would like to make contact with any descendants of Alexander Massey who was a farmer in Tonaghmore in the 1850s… Continue reading Descendants of Alexander Massey of Tonaghmore sought

HarFest Music Festival – October 25 – 27

You are invited to come along and be part of Saintfield’s HarFest Music Festival which will run from Friday 25th October to Sunday 27th October. Our aim is to provide a variety of musical events and experiences at the harvest time of year which will interest everyone in the area around Saintfield village. There are musical events… Continue reading HarFest Music Festival – October 25 – 27

Can You Help With WWII query?

Sue Glanville would like to know if there was a Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) motor company stationed in Saintfield during 1941. If you can help please contact us and we will pass on the information to Sue. Many thanks in advance for your help. Email:  info {at} DiscoverSaintfield {dot} com