Kerb Cleaning & Litter Pick – 22/06/14

Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee have had another session of kerb cleaning and litter picking: Date: 22/06/2014 Time: 8.30 am to 11.30am (3 volunteers) & 4.00pm to 5.30pm (1 volunteer) Cleaned up kerbs and pavements on Lower Main Street North/South – 5 bags of weeds and litter collected. First third of Downpatrick Street Car… Continue reading Kerb Cleaning & Litter Pick – 22/06/14

Kerb Cleaning

Weeds growing along the kerb at Fair View. The same stretch of kerb after the weeds have been removed by members of Saintfield Development Association. Main Street (upper south side) before kerb cleaning by members of Saintfield Development Association. A member of Saintfield Development Association cleaning the kerb at the upper end of Main Street.… Continue reading Kerb Cleaning