HarFest – Parent and Toddlers’ Music Time

Parent and Toddlers’ Music Time (Children aged 1 to 4 years old – £3)


All parents desire to communicate effectively with their babies and young children. By sharing the world of music together through songs and instruments we encourage active communication between all parents and their children. No obvious musical talent is needed, especially from mum or dad; all the music we need for this taster session is within us all and expertly led by Nuala Murray.

Nuala is a state registered Music Therapist with Health Professional Council (HPC) working specifically within education and mental health for the past 15 years. She has extensive experience with Parish Centres, Playgroups and NSPCC Groups and is a resident of Saintfield.

Places are limited for this event so book early to avoid disappointment. This can be done by calling in to Saints Deli and registering your child. A parent must obviously remain with their child for this session and will be solely responsible for their care.

ALL children are welcome and after you register you will be contacted by the organiser. Should you wish to share any further information that may be helpful for the session you are welcome to do so in confidence.

This session will take place on Saturday morning in the Church Halls of 2nd Saintfield Presbyterian Church.

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