HarFest – Have A Go!

Musical instruments

Music lessons can be so expensive, especially if your children aren’t really interested. However, if they love what they’re learning it is an investment that will both make the young musician some useful money as a young performer and give them one access to a very positive creative outlet and world of friends and colleagues.  On Saturday afternoon, someone’s musical adventure may be about to begin.

Expertly facilitated by David Preston, this session in the church halls of 2nd Presbyterian Church will give our children the opportunity to get their hands on drums, guitars and other instruments perhaps for the first time. Primarily aimed at Primary School aged children you can come and go as you please from 2pm to 5pm and of course if you’re bringing your son or daughter you are more than welcome to have a go yourself! Absolutely no musical knowledge or experience is required. There will also be a few short performances by local groups throughout the day including a guitar club for Primary School Aged Children who meet regularly in the AYC Hall on the Main Street.

Admission is FREE to this event.

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