Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield

On Thursday 9th May the Minister of the Environment Alex Attwood visited Saintfield at the invitation of Simon Hamilton MLA.  The Minister met with representatives of Saintfield Development Association (SDA) and Saintfield Heritage Society (SHS).  Strangford MP Jim Shannon and Rowallane councillors Terry Andrews, William Dick and William Walker were also in Saintfield for the meeting.

[The photographs below were kindly provided by Cllr Terry Andrews.]

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
After the meeting in Simon Hamilton’s office, the group visited some of the historic sites in Saintfield.
Here they are gathered outside the Orange Hall, formerly Saintfield’s market house.
Jim Shannon MP, Barbara Graham (Saintfield Development Association [SDA]), Cllr William Dick,
Cllr William Walker, Simon Hamilton MLA, Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA,
Gerry Lowe (Chair SDA), Simon Thompson (SDA) and Cllr Terry Andrews.

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Simon Hamilton MLA, Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA and Gerry Lowe (Chair SDA).

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
The group then moved down to The Square.
Cllr William Walker, Brian Young (SHS), Gerry Lowe (Chair SDA), Simon Hamilton MLA,
Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA, Cllr William Dick, Barbara Graham (SDA) and Simon Thompson (SDA).

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
It was a very wet day, but it didn’t dampen their spirits!
Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA and Jim Shannon MP.

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Outside the AYC Hall.
Simon Thompson (SDA), Brian Young (SHS), Cllr William Walker, Cllr William Dick,
Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA, Jim Shannon MP, Simon Hamilton MLA and Gerry Lowe (Chair SDA).

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Then it was on to the Memorial Garden at the bottom of Comber Street.
Barbara Graham (SDA) and Jim Shannon MP.

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Brian Young (SHS) and Simon Thompson (SDA).

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA, Simon Hamilton MLA,
Cllr William Walker, Cllr William Dick and Simon Thompson (SDA).

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Cllr William Dick and Brian Young (SHS).

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Brian Young (SHS), Simon Hamilton MLA (back to camera), Gerry Lowe (Chair SDA), Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA, Cllr William Walker.

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA and Cllr William Walker.

Environment Minister Alex Attwood Visits Saintfield
Environment Minister Alex Attwood MLA makes a dash for his
car without an umbrella when it is time to leave Saintfield.

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