Community Hall for Saintfield

The residents of Saintfield have expressed their need for a community facility for the town for many years. Following representation by members of the Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee to Down District Council (DDC) in 2007-8, the Council commissioned a feasibility study to assess the needs in Saintfield and identify the facilities that would be needed.  The study identified the existing leisure and community facilities (including church halls and sports pitches) and confirmed the clear need for additional facilities.  In summary the study recommended for Saintfield a four-court sports hall, a small and a large meeting room, a small fitness suite and a second or third generation sports ground. These findings were accepted by the Recreation and Community Services Committee in DDC and endorsed by full council.

At that time the Academy Primary School was hopeful of obtaining funding for a new primary school and there were positive and extensive negotiations between the school, the South Eastern Education and Library Board, Rowallane councillors and DDC officials to explore the possibility of a joint project on a site adjacent to the current primary school.  Although the site, being on a steep hill, was not ideal, it was felt that the advantages of a joint facility, used by the school during the day in term time and used by the community in the evenings, at weekends and during school holidays would outweigh, in the long term, the costs of constructing on a steep hill.

It now transpires that there is unlikely to be any funding for a new primary school in Saintfield for many years, so the advantages of a joint project are not likely to materialise soon.

Down District Councillors have unanimously recognised the need in Saintfield for a community and leisure facility and have earmarked around £3million for this in their capital project plan.  However there are other towns in the District who need refurbishment of their community facilities and so there will be conflicting priorities in the implementation of all leisure or community facilities, especially in the current economic climate when finances are limited.

The main stumbling block for a new facility in Saintfield at present is finding the right site at an affordable cost. There are a number of sites within the development limit of Saintfield, but all were purchased when land was worth more that it is today and the current owners are unwilling to sell below the price they paid.  Down District Council, as a public body, must have any land that it considers buying or selling independently valued.  It must abide by the independent valuation of the land and cannot pay more without the risk of councillors being held personally liable for the excess over the official valuation.  In the case where the current land owner will not sell at the current valuation set by the council’s valuers, the only option for the Council is to vest the land.  This can be a lengthy and costly process.

The Council has entered into preliminary negotiations with two landowners and is investigating its options to vest.

Saintfield Town RegenerationCommittee, recognising the great need for new community facilities in the town, has formed a small sub-committee to focus on this project and to work closely with Rowallane councillors and DDC senior officials to progress the project as much as possible.  The sub-committe will use this site to keep Saintfield residents updated on progress.

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