Our Community

Saintfield has grown rapidly in the last fifty years.  In the early 1960s the population was less than 1000.  Now it is over 3000.  The difference is largely made up of people who have come to live in Saintfield as new houses were built on the edges of the village.  Many of these people had roots in other parts of Northern Ireland and chose Saintfield as a convenient commuter town for Belfast with a well integrated and relatively quiet community life.

Sport plays a significant part in the community and all the main sports clubs encourage young people to join in through regular training and youth events.

Links to the sports clubs’ websites can be found on the Sports and Recreation page – click here.

Churches also are an important part of the community and most have youth clubs or youth organisations operating from their halls.  Links to Saintfield churches can be found on the Churches page – click here.

Other community activities range from a playgroup for the very young to the Saintfield Heritage Society which appeals mostly to those at the other end of the age range.

Saintfield Town Regeneration Committee was formed by combining the former Saintfield Town Committee and Saintfield Regeneration Committee.

If you are a member of a club or society in Saintfield and would like to have a page on this website or have a link from this site to your own website please contact us on info [at] discoversaintfield.com

To read about progress for new community and leisure facilities for Saintfield click here.

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