Photos Taken At The Mike Snowden Talk
Photographs taken at the Mike Snowden talk can be seen HERE.
Bowling Club Open Days
Saintfield Bowling Club, Crossgar Road, Saintfield, BT24 7JE
Saintfield Summer Fair Photos
Photographs of Saintfield Summer Fair can be viewed HERE.
Saintfield Summer Fair
Participants Elabee Crafts Paper Picnic Crafts By Inge Elaine Conn Face Painter Jo Toland TinyLife Charity Nicola Clarke Crafts SDA Tombola Stall SDA Bric-a-brac Stall SDA Bookstall Deborah Lennon Crafts Saintfield Heritage Society Knit & Natter SDA Plant & Merchandise Stall Main St Diner Barbecue SDA Indoor Tea Room The Sweetie Stall National Trust Les Sharpe Blue […]
SDA Pub Quiz – Thursday 29th May
Talk by Mike Snowden
Saintfield Heritage Society’s Annual Dinner
Photographs taken at the recent Annual Dinner of Saintfield Heritage Society can be seen HERE.
Save The Children Barbecue
Litter Pick Photos
It’s cool to pick up litter! Lily Henderson’s photos of the recent litter pick in Saintfield can be seen HERE.
Pedal The Peninsula Photos
Some photographs taken by Vivien Lovell at the 2014 Pedal The Peninsula cycle ride can be viewed HERE.