Can You Help With World Record Attempt?
If you have some free time on Saturday you could help Saintfield to be part of a Word Record attempt: For more information and inspiration have a look at the NI Big Sock Facebook page!
Family History Searches …
We have received an update on an earlier search entitled, “Please tell Wilsons and O’Hanlons in Saintfield about this”. More information about the request can be found in the Discover Saintfield Family History Searches blog HERE.
Significant Step Forward For Saintfield Community Centre
Another significant step forward for the Saintfield community centre. The Council has confirmed that even if no private sector partner is found, they will use the £1.5m ring-fenced for this project to start work in April 2017. The Expression of Interest advertisement below appeared in the Belfast Telegraph on Friday 29th April 2016. [If you […]
Community Centre Progress Blog
We have started a new blog which will chart the progress on Saintfield’s community centre. It can be found under “Community” on the top menu, or directly HERE. Remember to call back to find out what is happening!
Grow Wild Planting Scheme
It might only be March, but there is no rest for the members of the Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee! As part of Saintfield’s Landscape Masterplan work has begun to prepare the ground for the planting of wild flowers on the approach to Saintfield at the Comber Road / Belfast Road junction. You can follow the […]
Green Light For Community Centre
There has been good progress with the community centre project. As reported on the website in January, (see HERE ), the public consultation events in December, kindly hosted by Saintfield High School, were very successful. Fifty five people, representing thirty five local groups (which between them represented over 4,000 members), gave valuable suggestions on priorities for the […]
Download Issue 10 Of Saintfield News!
Issue 10 of Saintfield Development Association’s Saintfield News is available for download HERE.
SDA Members Meet Rowallane DEA Officer Ellen Brennan
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has recently established a Forum in each of its seven District Electoral Areas (DEA) supported by a specific DEA Coordinator. The Officer in Rowallane DEA is Ellen Brennan, and some members of Saintfield Development Association were photographed with Ellen (centre) at the Inaugural DEA Public Meeting in Ballynahinch Market House […]
Music At The Hub
Primary School Children Create Public Art
Alison Lowry moved into the Old School House in Comber Street last year and has established a fully functioning glass art studio running classes for children, beginners and adults. Recently Alison worked with St. Mary’s PS and Academy PS to produce a wall piece for the entrance to Manse Court on Crossgar Road. This is Saintfield’s first piece of public […]