Official Opening Of The Square
This morning saw the official opening of The Square with representatives from the groups who progressed the project in attendance. MLA Jim Shannon, DDC Chair William Walker and Saintfield Development Association’s Chair Barbara Graham with the commemoration plaque which will be displayed in The Square. The plaque shows the various funding sources for the upgrade of The Square.
What Is Lily Looking At?
Has Lily Henderson bought designer sunglasses? No, she is using safety specs to view this morning’s solar eclipse! Below is the eclipse as seen in Saintfield at about 09:30.
SDA Pub Quiz – Thursday 26th March
SDA Wins Down Your Street Award!
Members of the “Green Saintfield Committee” of Saintfield Development Association recently attended the Down Your Street awards ceremony at Downshire Civic Centre. SDA was the winner of the Environmental Improvement category, and was presented with their award by the Chair of DDC, Cllr Billy Walker. Photographed with the Chair of DDC Billy Walker are SDA members […]
The Grant family search
Tom Grant, who is hoping to contact relatives in Saintfield, has added the information that his ancestor was Samuel Grant, who owned Ballyknockan flax mill. He had seven children, three of whom, Robert, Samuel and Thomas, went to Canada. He believes the others stayed around Saintfield and would like to make contact with their descendants.
Tom Grant is looking for relatives in Saintfield
The website received this message from Tom Grant, who is hoping to make contact with relatives in Saintfield called Grant. If you have any information that could help, please contact the website. Hello my name is Tom Grant and I believe my ancestors came from Saintfield Parish, however I have no documentation. I will be […]
Soup Lunches During Lent
Carrier Bag Levy Funded Projects
Carrier Bag Levy Funded Projects The proceeds from the Carrier Bag Levy are used to fund community-led initiatives, mainly through the Challenge Fund programme which is managed for the Department of the Environment by the Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL). A series of posters has been produced detailing some of the projects that have been […]
Saintfield Christmas Charity Ride 2014 Photo Album
The Saintfield Christmas Charity Ride 2014 took place on Saturday 6th December. Photographs of the event can be viewed HERE. Watch UTV on Monday 15th December at 8:00 pm to find out more!
Saintfield Christmas Fair 2014 Photo Album
Friday 5th December was the date of the 2014 Saintfield Christmas Fair. The event was organised by Saintfield Development Association, and they would like thank everybody who helped to make it such a great evening. The weather was fine and people of all ages came into the village to enjoy the fun. Photographs of the Fair can […]