Comber Street Road Resurfacing
Road signs giving advance warning of traffic disruption on Comber Street have been erected. TransportNI, the sole Road Authority in Northern Ireland, responsible for public roads, footways, bridges, and street lights, will be resurfacing the road.
Corporate Sponsor – CES Quarry Products
CES Quarry Products, who operate from a site just outside Saintfield on the Crossgar road, recently became a corporate sponsor of the SDA. The family owned business has committed to contributing a significant amount to the SDA each month as a show of support for the activities and events the association does for the benefit […]
Adopt A Spot – Monday 20th June 2016
Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee were in action with ADOPT A SPOT for two hours on Monday 20th June 2016. Nine members lifted eleven bags of litter, weeds and road dirt in the area of Saintfield Health Centre / Library / 2nd Saintfield Presbyterian / Fair Green. Members taking part were SDA Chair Brian Gamble, Denis Conn, Lyn Mackender, Martyn Todd, John […]
Grow Wild Watering – 20th June
Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee have been watering the Grow Wild scheme’s wild flower seed beds on the Lisburn Road and at The Point on the Belfast Road. As you can see here, vessels of all shapes and sizes are used to carry water to the sites!
Road Clean – 19th June
Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee member Lawrence Murphy worked through the rain to clean road dirt, weeds and litter on Belfast Road from the traffic lights to Saintfield High School. He lifted 19 bags of dirt, 6 bags of weeds and one bag of litter. A kind word from Ann McCandless was encouraging at […]
Gran Fondo Giro D’Italia Northern Ireland – Saintfield Video 5th June 2016
Early on Sunday 5th June the Gran Fondo Giro D’Italia Northern Ireland passed through Saintfield. Watch them entering Comber Road HERE.
SDA’s Annual General Meeting – Monday 13th June
Saintfield Development Association would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting on Monday 13th June at 7:30 pm in Saintfield Sports Club. If you have always wondered who we are and what we do then this is a great opportunity for you to find out. We are always […]
Wild Flower Planting Scheme (Belfast Rd / Comber Rd)
Over the past few months members of Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee have been working at The Point, the junction of the Belfast Rd and Comber Rd. This is in preparation for the sowing of wild flower seeds as part of Grow Wild‘s nationwide scheme. You can follow progress on the Saintfield scheme on […]
Gran Fondo Giro D’Italia Northern Ireland – 5th June 2016
The Gran Fondo Giro D’Italia Northern Ireland will be coming to Saintfield on Sunday 5th June! There will be some disruption to early morning traffic in the area from 07:15 – 08:45 [Details HERE]. If you get up early you will see an amazing spectacle! Have a look at this VIDEO of the Giro on […]
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