Carryduff Historical Society Visits Saintfield
Saintfield Heritage Society took members of Carryduff Historical Society on a walking tour of Saintfield, including the 1798 Memorial Garden and notable buildings of interest. After the walk refreshments were served in Rowallane Hub, 35 Main Street.
Air Ambulance Northern Ireland
Helicopter G-NIHM of the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland service passing overhead Saintfield. You can discover more about this charity HERE.
Saintfield Show – Saturday 21st July
The 2018 Saintfield Show will be staged on Saturday 21st July at Glenbrook Farm on the Lough Road, Boardmills, by kind permission of the Lawson Family. The show will have a wide range of attractions including: General Show Classes for: Poultry, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Donkeys Horse Classes for: Agricultural Horses, Ponies, Horses, Mini Horses, Working […]
Saintfield Development Association’s 2018 AGM
The evening of Monday 4th June saw the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Saintfield Development Association take place in Rowallane Community Hub. The outgoing Chair Ian Murray gave his report on the year’s activities and Lawrence Murphy presented his Treasurer’s Report. All 2017/18 officers stood down and the following officers were elected for 2018/19: Chair […]
Saintfield Library – What’s On
Join Our Weekly Thursday Evening Street Cleans!
It’s that time of the year again. Saintfield Development Association’s Green Committee is starting its weekly Street Cleans. The first one, kicking off the season, is on Thursday 31st May at 7.00 pm, with Street Cleans every Thursday evening over the summer. We meet at the Fair Green car park, just off the mini roundabout at the top […]
Newry, Mourne and Down Council Local Development Plan 2030 Publication of Local Development Plan: Preferred Options Paper Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has produced its Local Development Plan: Preferred Option Paper (POP), which can be downloaded HERE. The POP is designed to stimulate debate and encourage feedback on key issues of strategic significance which […]
Vintage Vehicle Day At Saintfield Baptist Church
SURVEY: Play Area At Lislane Drive, Saintfield
In 2016/17 Newry, Mourne and Down District Council carried out a review of the play value of all its fixed play areas. Following this review, the Play Strategy recommended that future play provision in the area currently served by Lislane Drive, Saintfield should be upgraded to a higher play value site. In line with the […]
Springtime In Rowallane Garden
The National Trust’s Rowallane Garden is particularly nice in springtime. A slideshow of recently taken photographs can be viewed HERE.