Snowdon and Shaw family – Carricknacessna / Oughley

Hi there,

I have been researching my tree for some years and I have turned my attention to my Snowdon/Shaw family from the Carricknacessna and Oughley area. My GGGG grand parents William John Snowden (father John) and Mary Shaw ( father James) were both school teachers who I suspect taught at Lessans school outside Saintfield. They moved eventually to Londonderry where William John Snowden became Headmaster of Gwyn’s academic Institution. One of his sons, James Snowdon, went on to become A Presbyterian Minister at Blackrock in Dublin. His other children all became teachers or married teachers in Londonderry.

I was wondering if you had any records relating to Lessans school and anything on the Shaw and Snowdon families?

Best regards
Paul Donnelly

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