Saintfield Heritage Society Talks In 2023

12th January 2023:

IN THE STEPS OF THE STONE MEN – ERNIE WILSON has already given us two delightful and beautifully illustrated talks on aspects of the Mournes. On this occasion he will turn his attention to the story of the brave and hardy men who quarried granite from these spectacular mountains.

9th February 2023:

BELFAST HARBOUR ESTATE– Since 1847 the Belfast Harbour Commissioners have been responsible for developing this increasingly vital facility and JENNI BARKLEY, Communications and Corporate Responsibility Manager for the Commissioners, will enlighten us about the challenges of running a port which now handles over 20 million tons of trade every year.

9th March 2023:

BELFAST AND THE SLAVE TRADE – Clifton House is engaged in major research into this somewhat neglected but important aspect of our history and CHRISTINE DONNELLY, a retired business executive who is now a volunteer at the House and a tutor in Belfast Metropolitan College, will provide us with a detailed account of their findings.

13th April 2023:

POWDERED DANDY TO OLD BEAR: THE LIFE OF DAVID KER OF PORTAVO AND MONTALTO – Author and local historian PETER CARR will tell us all about the life and times of this highly colourful character who was a member of one of the richest families in 18th and early 19th century Ulster.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All the talks will take place on THURSDAY evenings in the STUDIO in the SAINTFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE at 8.00 p.m.

Members are cordially invited to bring family or friends to any of the talks.  Non-members are also very welcome to attend.


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