Impact Of COVID-19 On Care Homes Survey

The Committee for Health at the Northern Ireland Assembly is conducting an inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 on care homes and is seeking the views of residents / family members, owners / managers (employers) and staff to help them develop constructive recommendations aimed at mitigating and managing a second surge in infections.

The Committee would be grateful if interested parties could complete this short questionnaire so that they can gather views on a number of areas including infection prevention and control and visiting.

The results of this survey will help influence the Committee’s recommendations on the future management of infections within care homes.  This survey is conducted in utmost confidence, which guarantees confidentiality and anonymity. Under no circumstances will the individual or organisation be identified or associated with particular survey responses.

They will be asked certain questions depending on whether they are answering as resident, family member, member of staff or employer.  There is no requirement to answer all questions and you can scroll past any you feel unable to answer.

The link to the survey is below:

Committee for Health – Impact of COVID-19 on Care Homes Survey

The survey will close on 19th October at 5pm.

If you have any questions on the survey or the inquiry please do not hesitate to contact the Committee for Health at the Northern Ireland Assembly:

Thanking you in advance,
The Assembly Engagement Team.


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