The Windmill Field – The Next Steps

There have been nearly eighty comments in response to the recent PowerPoint consultation on the proposals for the development of a community heritage park in the windmill field in Saintfield. The great majority of these are positive and welcoming of a much-needed shared outdoor space in Saintfield. We believe that this response indicates the excitement and interest this proposed development has sparked among the residents of Saintfield.

Some concerns have been raised, mostly by people living adjacent to the field and SDA will be taking these into account when planning the next steps of the development.




Access to the field is currently via two field gates from the Windmill Road. Although these are usually locked it is relatively easy to climb over them and there have been a few occasions in recent years when there has been anti-social behaviour in the buildings in the field.

The plan for the park includes a two-metre-high fence around the whole perimeter, similar to the one around the community centre. The gates giving access from Windmill Road will also be the same height and locked. These gates will only be used by agricultural machinery, probably only a few times per year. All access to the park will be through the community centre site and only during daylight hours when the community centre is open. There will be no access at night.

The plan also includes CCTV cameras to monitor the park during the times that it is closed. This will deter any anti-social behaviour and record any instances that may occur.

It should be noted that SDA has taken a lead in highlighting the existing problem of anti-social behaviour in Saintfield, including a public meeting with council officials and other statutory bodies. SDA is currently working on additional activities for young people, including the use of the community centre.


There will be no access to the park from Windmill Road and those using the facility will park in the community centre. This should overcome concerns over obstructive parking in Windmill Road or Windmill Grange. The planners will adjudicate on whether there is adequate parking in the community centre site for users of the park. Generally, parks are used mostly during the day and community centres during the evening, so it makes sense to use the same parking facilities for both.


The immediate neighbours have enjoyed the field being used for grazing since their houses were built. As well as a perimeter fence, the plan for the park includes tree and shrub planting to form a buffer zone along the boundaries with neighbours. The final planting plan will take into account each immediate neighbour’s preference (within reason) to maximise their privacy.

The planned CCTV cameras will be sited to monitor activity solely on the field and will not oversee neighbouring properties.


There will always be a certain level of noise with a community park, depending on the activity taking place and the number of people present. However, it should be noted that there will not be a children’s play park in the field. SDA already has planning approval for a play park at the front of the community centre and this is where it will be located, once funding has been raised. Likewise, if any outdoor concerts are planned in Saintfield, the ideal place would be under the canopy at the community centre.


Opinion is divided in the responses as to whether dogs should be allowed into the park. Further consultation will be needed to see if a compromise can be reached on this.




SDA is very keen that this exciting and much needed project is a long-term success for the residents of the area. To ensure that all available expertise is included as the plans are finalised, a steering group is being established. This will be an advisory group, meeting quarterly, to offer advice, assistance and constructive criticism. Saintfield Heritage Society and the National Trust have agreed to join this group. Other local community groups will also be invited to participate.


SDA has already had pre-application discussions with the local planning office, which indicated that there should be no impediment to obtaining permission for the change of use of the field from agricultural to amenity use. The idea of a park was carried forward in The Saintfield Integrated Development Plan 2017 led by the Council (NMDDC). This plan lists the provision of a community park on the Windmill Field as priority number two in its list of community and youth facilities for Saintfield. The windmill is a designated heritage site and the intention is to stabilise the structure and tell the story of the windmill. No buildings will be erected on the site. The final plan for the park will depend on the amount of funding available, so it might make sense to just apply for outline permission at this stage.


This project is SDA led and has taken many years of hard work and planning to even get to this stage. The park will belong to the people of Saintfield and will be a place to meet, relax and enjoy the outdoors for generations to come. But is will cost a lot of money to bring it to fruition. To this end, SDA has researched a long list of potential funders for the development of the field into a community heritage park. A short list of five has been identified as the most likely to give grants for the project. SDA will be applying to these in the coming months.

SDA has also launched a local fund-raising campaign, using GoFundMe. This is the first time local residents are being asked to donate to an SDA project. Locally raised funds are important to other funders as evidence of community support, and also provides the matched funding most donors require. Please watch this video which explains what we are planning to do and how you can help:


All projects that include public bodies usually take longer than anticipated. It is likely to take up to two years to achieve planning permission and to raise the necessary funds to make the old buildings on the site safe, develop the paths and to make the site secure. In the meantime, the field will continue to be used for agricultural purposes.


SDA is always happy to welcome more volunteers to join their ranks, whether as a member of one of our teams or by just joining in for work parties occasionally. Even if you don’t have time to devote a few hours a month to helping your community organisation, you can always donate to the GoFundMe campaign via this link:


The SDA, with financial support from a generous donor in the United States, has taken the first steps in acquiring the windmill field. It is now up to all residents of Saintfield to join with us to complete the project over the coming years, to provide a community park and a legacy for future generations of which we can all be proud.

The people of Saintfield have always been supportive of community initiatives and we trust this support will continue.

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