Death Of Anne Walker

We are very sorry to have to announce the death of Anne Walker.
Anne has been a long term and active worker within SDA.
Her first involvement was with the “Town Committee” many years ago when the group had huge success with Saintfield In Bloom winning several awards and lifting the sense of pride and morale in the Village during difficult political times.
She rejoined some ten years ago as we evolved into SDA and was again a driving force in the “Greens” group. She did sterling work driving forward the Saintfield in Bloom projects as well as other landscape schemes round the Village.
She did not neglect the social side of the Greens committee and made sure that meetings were jolly and informal as well as productive.
Anne was a great supporter of Lawrence Murphy and the rest of the Green team, both new and old members, and strove to ensure that they got the recognition they deserve.
She is sorely missed.


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