Sharon Hunt the Community Support Officer for Choice Housing Ireland Limited, who maintains the new Manse Court T:BUC development, has called all local community groups and tenants of Manse Court together to improve the look of the Town of Saintfield and aid our entry into the Translink Ulster in Bloom Competition. They have been meeting in Rowallane Community Hub in recent weeks and plans have been formulated that with the support of Choice Housing each group will have a planter placed around the town.
Saintfield Development Association Greens Committee, Saintfield Community Estates Partnership, Rowallane Community Hub, Manse Court tenants and the newly formed Men’s Shed @ the Hub Saintfield which is part of Manse Court’s Good Relations Plan, sponsored through the NI Executive Office, Together Building United Communities Strategy and operating in the grounds of Rowallane Community Hub will each have a planter placed around the town.
It has been agreed that the wood workers of Men’s Shed @ the Hub will construct the various planters to each group’s specifications. Planting of the planters will be left to the individual groups to decide on the design. Wood and plants will be supplied from local sources.
Men’s Shed @ the Hub has benefited from having members of the original successful Saintfield in Bloom Competition entries. Mike Snowden now retired from his job as Head Gardener at Rowallane Garden and Kenneth Spence a knowledgeable amateur gardener they have made an amazing improvement to the Rowallane Community Hub courtyards and allotments. They are ably assisted by Raymond Cochrane who is also a member of Saintfield Community Estates Partnership. Together their knowledge and enthusiasm have made great improvements which will also aid this new community development initiative. Saintfield Development Associations Greens Committee’s Lawrence Murphy has long been involved in coordinating keeping Saintfield a lot cleaner for the local community. It is great to see local community groups working together to improve the environment of Saintfield.
Brian Graham – Rowallane Community Hub and Men’s Shed @ The Hub, Saintfield