The evening of Monday 4th June saw the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Saintfield Development Association take place in Rowallane Community Hub. The outgoing Chair Ian Murray gave his report on the year’s activities and Lawrence Murphy presented his Treasurer’s Report. All 2017/18 officers stood down and the following officers were elected for 2018/19:
Chair | Martyn Todd |
Vice-Chair | Janice McHenry |
Secretary | Peter Gregg |
Treasurer | Lawrence Murphy |
Chair of Communications Committee | Brian Gamble |
Chair of Events Committee | Bob Pollock |
Chair of Funding & Finance Committee | Pamela Dooley |
Chair of Green Committee | Lawrence Murphy |
Chair of Infrastructure Committee | Barbara Graham |
At the conclusion of the formal part of the AGM everyone was invited to go into the courtyard to enjoy the barbecue and refreshments provided by SDA members, and their spouses!