Corporate Sponsor – CES Quarry Products

Pedal The Peninsula - 20th September 2015

CES Quarry Products, who operate from a site just outside Saintfield on the Crossgar road, recently became a corporate sponsor of the SDA. The family owned business has committed to contributing a significant amount to the SDA each month as a show of support for the activities and events the association does for the benefit of Saintfield residents. You can visit their website HERE.

The SDA is a registered charity organisation and relies heavily on donations, grants and fund raising events to finance the wide range of activities with which it is involved. The Association is run by a team of volunteers, who give of their time unstintingly and whose only reward is the satisfaction of contributing to the betterment of their village and environment.

If you or your company would like to support the work done by the SDA for your community, we would welcome any contribution you could make, whether as a corporate sponsor, a one – off donation or as a volunteer giving your time to help on any of our working committees which appeal to your interests.

Please express your willingness to donate or to volunteer your time and expertise by contacting the editor of our Saintfield News publication:


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