Green Light For Community Centre

Belfast Road site purchased for Saintfield's community centre

There has been good progress with the community centre project. As reported on the website in January, (see HERE ), the public consultation events in December, kindly hosted by Saintfield High School, were very successful. Fifty five people, representing thirty five local groups (which between them represented over 4,000 members), gave valuable suggestions on priorities for the new centre.

Stephen McClelland incorporated these, together with the previous public consultation results, into a business case for the community centre on the Belfast Road site. The business case considered six options for the site and concluded that only one option should be taken forward to the next stage. This option makes use of all three buildings on the site. The biggest (building A, which is 60m by 30m) would have an artificial 4G surface laid, which would be used for training by all Saintfield sports clubs and for junior games of football and GAA.

The middle building (building B) would be refurbished to contain a four-court multi-use hall, meeting rooms, exercise rooms, changing rooms and catering facilities. The third building (building C) would contain a few more flexible rooms for community use and an extensive and modern fitness suite. The intention is that this facility would be managed by a private sector company who already have experience of doing so in partnership with other Councils and community groups. From initial research we know that the Saintfield site would be an attractive base for private sector fitness providers, at prices to the public similar to those charged by other Council leisure centres. This business case was completed on 25th January and given to Newry Mourne and Down Council (NMD). The Executive Summary and the actions listed below were presented to the Strategy, Policy and Resources Committee of NMD Council on 11th February and were accepted unanimously.

The efforts of the Saintfield Development Association (SDA) and the Saintfield community were acknowledged by the councillors. NMD has committed capital funding in the financial year 2016/17 for Saintfield and expects to see work commence on site in April 2017.

The proposed timeline for the project is as follows:-

  1. By 29th February 2016 a person at Assistant Director level appointed to be responsible for the Saintfield community centre project.
  2. By 30th April 2016, in cooperation with the Saintfield community, expressions of interest are sought from the private sector to be partners with SDA and NMD in implementing the Saintfield project.
  3. By 31st May 2016 a private sector partner to have been selected for the Saintfield project.
  4. By 31st July 2016, with input from the selected private sector partner, financial projections and a Green Book Economic Appraisal to be completed for the preferred business model.
  5. Commencing in June 2016, the legal arrangements to be put in place for the preferred business model.
  6. Planning approval will be sought for the preferred business model, the target date to be dependent on the scope of change from the existing planning application.
  7. Between 1st March and 30th September, NMD will support the SDA in seeking all possible external sources of funding for the preferred business model.
  8. Adequate funding will be committed in the 2016/17 financial year to cover the costs relating to the Saintfield community centre such as planning applications, revised drawings, quantity surveying, economic appraisal, etc.

The SDA is delighted to see tangible actions now in place and committed to by NMD and looks forward to reporting further good progress.  Watch this space!


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