Saintfield In Bloom Winners

The judging took place today for the Saintfield Development Association’s Saintfield in Bloom competition. The judges were Averil Milligan, Head Gardener at the National Trust’s Rowallane Garden, and D J Morgan, Parks Officer at Newry, Mourne and Down Council.  The judges spent the afternoon visiting and closely inspecting the floral displays in the Large Premises and Small Premises categories. Afterwards they retired to the comfortable surroundings of Norr & Brown to decide the winners.

2015 Saintfield in Bloom small premises winner - Masseys of Saintfield

The winner in the Small Premises category was Massey’s of Saintfield. Pictured are SDA Saintfield in Bloom representative Denis Conn, judge Averil Milligan, Owen Lowry (Massey’s of Saintfield), and judge DJ Morgan.

2015 Saintfield in Bloom large premises winner - Rowallane Community Hub

The winner in the Large Premises category was Rowallane Community Hub. Pictured are judge Averil Milligan, judge DJ Morgan, Rowallane Community Hub Director Ian Mack, and SDA Saintfield in Bloom representative Vivien Lovell.


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