Litter Pick On 6th September

Litter Pick On 6th September

On Saturday 6th September 12 volunteers assembled at 12.30 to prepare for another Saintfield Development Association litter pick in Saintfield. Five teams were formed and after the safety briefing and distribution of litter picking equipment they set off to their allocated areas.

Team AYC Shaneen/Bernie/Charlotte with Councillor Terry Andrews covered Listooder Road / Lislane / Shrewsbury and colloected four bags of litter.

Team Brenda/Alan covered Crossgar Road, Old Grand Jury Road and collected one bag of litter.

Team Murial/Lily/Arthur covered Comber Street / Comber Road / Belfast Road and lifted one bag litter.

Team Lyn covered Fair Green and filled one bag with litter.

Team Denis/Lawrence covered Moyra Drive wasteland to Forge Hill Court / Parish Church Car Park / Downpatrick Street Car Park / Play Park / New Line collecting two bags Litter.

Total for the litter pick = 9 bags

The teams met up at 2nd Saintfield Precbyterian Church Hall at 3.00pm for refreshments.

SDA would like to thank everyone for volunteering on the day, and Rev Graham Connor for the use of the hall.

Litter Pick On 6th September

The Down Your Street litter picking campaign started on 9th June 2014. Up to and including 6th September 2014 the volunteer litter pickers have collected:

47 bags of weeds
250 bags of street dirt
127 bags of litter

That makes a total of 424 bags of waste in three months!

So far the burden of lifting this waste has been on a very small group of volunteers, less than six individuals, and larger numbers on community litter picks such as the one described above.

Please help keep Saintfield clean and tidy by picking up and binning any litter you find in front of your house. If we all do a little bit it will make a big difference!

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