Lower Main Street Upgrade – Week 3

At the end of the third week there were three excavating machines working on lower Main Street.  The road has been lowered to remove the camber which had built up over the years by the addition of several top surfaces, and all the underground services have to be lowered accordingly.

The severity of the camber made it very difficult for some people, particularly the elderly, to open and close car doors when parked anywhere along the length of lower Main Street.  It required a lot of effort to push open a door on the driver’s side of a car, while on the passenger’s side a door would “fall” open and be very difficult to pull shut.  When the new top surface is in place with a much reduced camber it should make life easier when parking to shop at the bottom of Main Street.

Lower Main Street Upgrade – Week 3

Lower Main Street Upgrade – Week 3


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