Like most towns in the United Kingdom, Saintfield has its fair share of litter louts. Rubbish strewn along the hedgerows and verges of the roads into our village gives a poor impression to the visitor, not to mention the detritus dropped by careless folk on the pavements and gutters in the village itself.
Saintfield Anti-Litter Campaign needs you!
Saintfield will join a country wide anti – litter campaign launched by Tidy Northern Ireland, and to this end the Saintfield Development Association will stage a Spring Clean event on Saturday 27th April from 10am to 2pm. Down District Council will be supporting the event. If you would like to join in and can spare a couple of hours on that day, your participation would be most welcome. We will meet at The Square at 10am and Tidy NI will provide thick gloves, long handle rubbish pickers and plastic bags to collect the rubbish – one bag for recyclables and the other for general waste. Youngsters who wish to take part must have their parents’ permission. |
You can help to make a difference, so enter Saturday 27th April in your diary now.
For further information e-mail:
info [at] discoversaintfield [dot] com