Access Services, Grants and Benefits (MARA)



The aim of the MARA project is to improve the health and wellbeing of rural dwellers in Northern Ireland by increasing access to services, grants amd benefits by facilitating a co-ordinated service to support rural dwellers living in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

 MARA aims to:

 Increase access to home improvement schemes particularly energy efficiency grants
 Increase access to full benefit entitlement checks
 Increase access to a range of local services
 Increase access to a range of regional/universal services
 Increase access to community transport

Groups entitled are:

 Fishermen
 Farmers
 Lone/single parents
 Ethnic minorities
 Carers
 Elderly
 Others at risk

If you or someone you know would benefit from the project, contact:

County Down Rural Community Network,
Ballymote Centre,
40 Killough Road,
BT30 6PY

Tel: 028 4461 2311 

The MARA Project is an inter-departmental regional project funded by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and delivered by the Public Health Agency (PHA). The MARA project was officially launched on Thursday 15th March 2012 by both the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, Michelle O’Neill and the Minister for Health, Edwin Poots.     



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