The Saintfield horse fair in Comber Street.
Have you ever wondered what Saintfield used to look like? Now you have the opportunity to see some wonderful old photographs of Saintfield which have been selected from the archives of Down County Museum.
Saintfield Heritage Society will be showing the photographs to the public at the Saintfield Parish Jubilee Fayre. At his event the Society will have prints of old Saintfield on display, and a PowerPoint presentation showing Then And Now views of some of the most familiar scenes of Saintfield. Copies of the eight volumes of Saintfield Heritage, the Society’s excellent series of books on Saintfield will also be on sale.
The Jubilee Fayre, which is for all the family, will take place in the hall to the rear of the Parish Church, Main Street, on Saturday 2nd June 2012. The event, which will feature many societies and clubs from Saintfield, will run from 10:00am – 3:00pm.
If you have any old photographs of Saintfield, then please bring them along and let us have a look at them. You might even let us add them to the DiscoverSaintfield website, or publish them in the next volume of Saintfield Heritage! Alternatively, you could email your photographs to:
info (at)
One response to “See Old Photographs of Saintfield – 2nd June”
I enjoyed seeing this old picture again, a copy hung for many years in Saintfield motor works on the Crossgar Road. I wondered where I might get a copy? The Georgian House pictured was my family home for many years as well as my Dads chemist shop. Im sure I have many old pictures of the Main street, old Downpatrick street, if I knew where to look for them. I remember well the row of houses including the old cobblers where the green area to the front of the church hall is now. Wards shoe shop, Rodgers, Fred Hazel Jimmy Johnstons chippy, Victor Reids and Freddy spence to name but a few, old names from the 70s and 80s. Sara McComb ( Hale)