Pedal The Peninsula 2015 Gallery

A video of the cyclists leaving Downpatrick Street car park in Saintfield can be viewed HERE. Photographs taken at various locations on the route can be seen HERE. Saintfield Development Association would like to thank the following people: Stephen Dugan (Masseys of Saintfield) Tonia McDonald Maxol Garage Rowallane Inn White Horse Inn Saintfield Parish Church… Continue reading Pedal The Peninsula 2015 Gallery

Saintfield Group Says Thank You

The Cancer Research UK Saintfield Group would like to thank the local community for their continued support over the past year raising £8836.79 through fund raising events, generous donations, street and house to house collections.

Pedal The Peninsula – 20th September 2015

Join Saintfield Development Association for its 3rd Pedal The Peninsula cycle ride on Sunday 20th September. The 53-mile route round beautiful Strangford Lough starts and ends in Saintfield, and is fully marshalled and sign posted. Refreshments will be provided and EVERY finisher receives a medal. Registration is from 8:30 am in Downpatrick Street car park, with the ride… Continue reading Pedal The Peninsula – 20th September 2015

A Celebration Of Francis Hutcheson

Saintfield Heritage Society hosted a commemoration of Saintfield’s most famous son, Francis Hutcheson, on the date of both his birth and death, 8th August.  Over 80 people heard five speakers sharing thoughts on his life and writings and the impact these had on the evolution of liberal democracy.  Thanks are due to 1st Presbyterian Church,… Continue reading A Celebration Of Francis Hutcheson