Big Lottery Fund: One-To-One Clinic

If you would like to attend a Big Lottery Fund one-to-one clinic then now is your chance to register!  A session will be held in the Downshire Civic Centre, Downpatrick on Wednesday 5th October. A flyer giving further details can be downloaded HERE.

Summer Floral Displays

This is a small selection of photographs of the beautiful floral displays on view in Saintfield this year. The Saintfield in Bloom committee of Saintfield Development Association would like to thank everyone who has contributed in any way to helping make Saintfield so colourful this year.

Comber Street Road Resurfacing

Road signs giving advance warning of traffic disruption on Comber Street have been erected.  TransportNI, the sole Road Authority in Northern Ireland, responsible for public roads, footways, bridges, and street lights, will be resurfacing the road.

Corporate Sponsor – CES Quarry Products

CES Quarry Products, who operate from a site just outside Saintfield on the Crossgar road, recently became a corporate sponsor of the SDA. The family owned business has committed to contributing a significant amount to the SDA each month as a show of support for the activities and events the association does for the benefit… Continue reading Corporate Sponsor – CES Quarry Products

Adopt A Spot – Monday 20th June 2016

Saintfield Development Association’s Green Saintfield Committee were in action with ADOPT A SPOT for two hours on Monday 20th June 2016.  Nine members lifted eleven bags of litter, weeds and road dirt in the area of Saintfield Health Centre / Library / 2nd Saintfield Presbyterian / Fair Green. Members taking part were SDA Chair Brian Gamble, Denis Conn, Lyn Mackender, Martyn Todd, John… Continue reading Adopt A Spot – Monday 20th June 2016