Saintfield Community Variety Show – Friday 27th April

[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Saintfield Parish Wednesday Welcome[/heading]


[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Saintfield High School[/heading]


[big_heading centered=”yes”]Saintfield Community Variety Show[/big_heading]

An evening of Music and Dance bringing together entertainers of all generations

At 7.30pm on Friday 27th April

In Saintfield High School

Pay at the door on the evening

There is a suggested donation of £5 for entertainment and refreshments

Proceeds to Wednesday Welcome and Saintfield High School PTA

Download the programme HERE.

Linking Generations Northern Ireland logo

This event is supported by Linking Generations NI, an organization which promotes inter-generational activities which bring together older and younger members of our community.

Wednesday Welcome meets fortnightly, sometimes in the Woodrow Room but mostly in the Upper Area of the Parish Church Hall.  Occasionally members head off on a coach outing to a place of interest. The group provides an opportunity for those who no longer have to go out to work to enjoy one another’s company, sharing in a range of activities both physically and mentally stimulating.

To help fund and sustain visits and receive guest speakers or demonstrators the group is presenting in association with Saintfield High School this evening of music and dance entertainment.

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